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Most of the people in Ledokombo, a beautiful district 25 km away from  Jember city in East Java left their home to become migrant worker or work outside their district (1). They left their family, husband or wife and their own children to seek better living outside their village. These conditions are a causal factor of social problems in Ledokombo such are high divorce rate, domestic violence, violence against women, child neglected and other. 


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In 2009 a community named Tanoker established (2), a community which based on the urge to change the condition in Ledokombo village. Social engineering and intervention are made to address the issues one of which is the development of small and community-based economic assistance. In contrast to conventional business training, processes performed by CLC Madani Tanoker focused on entrepreneurial skills with a gender perspective to improve business capacity and strengthen the development of community. These programs have been started since 2012 and fasten their pace since June 2014 (3)


Together with Tanocraft, village citizens’ activisms become more widespread in form of small businesses support so that they can be an alternative place to work instead of leaving their village and work outside or abroad. Before joining Tanocraft, assisted community members are ordinary housewife (most are former migrant workers), they come together through a series of training and mentoring conducted by Tanoker. Furthermore, they are grouped by area of residence and up until now consist of four members Tanocraft group, the Edelweiss, Damarwulan, C'ria, and D'Ombo Craft and two new groups, namely Mom & Kid's, Jasmine and Smile Craft with a member of 60 people. The group is divided into two groups of handmade handicraft and the sewing machine handicraft.


A variety of craft products have been produced by Tanocraft with commitment to use recycled patchwork material as well as natural materials that can be found abundant in Ledokombo area that turn into commercially viable handicraft. Tanocraft flagship product is the cocoon wallet and stilts doll that have been made since 2012. This product then developed with a variety of purses, handbags, shirts, flannel finger puppets, accessories, stilts dolls, puppets, and many more. Most product sales of Tanocraft used to help improve the welfare and independence of the family of former migrant workers as well as the education of their children. Ledokombo various handicraft products can be found in Tanocraft Artshop in Community Learning - Playing Ledokombo Tanoker centre in the village, Or order online via


From our deepest will to change our situation, delicate handmade craft are made to make friends locally and globally, to learn together, to work and be proud that we are stronger and empowered now than ever.

Mator sakalangkong / Terima kasih / Thank you!


(1) Lack of knowledge are common problem in Ledokombo, that is why they choose a short cut to work in factory in big cities or become migrant worker.
(2) For further info please visit 
(3) For further info of our product please visit and Facebook: 




Inilah kami, Tanocraft, wirausaha rumahan Komunitas Belajar - Bermain Tanoker Ledokombo ( Sejak tahun 2012 kami mulai berproses bersama para perajin di Kecamatan Ledokombo. Sebagian besar mitra berkarya kami adalah kaum perempuan mantan buruh migran (TKW) dan keluarganya. Kami berkumpul dan saling mendukung untuk menghasilkan aneka produk  yang ramah lingkungan. Karya yang kami hasilkan dan kembangkan pada umumnya mengunakan bahan yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi seperti kain perca, batok kelapa, biji buah nyamplung, gedebok pisang dan kulit jagung. Selain itu kami juga mengolah bambu dan kayu. Dari bahan – bahan tersebut kami memproduksi beragam jenis kerajinan seperti dompet, tas, tempat laptop, wadah kacamata, map, aneka pensil hias, boneka jari, boneka egrang, mangkok  batok, egrang batok, egrang bambu, aneka aksesoris (gelang, kalung, cincin), kaos, dll.  


Sebagai kampung wisata belajar, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, semakin banyak tamu yang datang mengunjungi Kecamatan Ledokombo. Hal inilah yang menjadi salah satu alasan untuk melakukan pemberdaan kepada para perajin di wilayah ini. Upaya tersebut yang dilakukan bukan hanya untuk meningkatkan kualitas hasil karya masyarakat tetapi juga untuk mendorong pengembangan jiwa kewirausahaan, kecakapan berorganisasi dan kepedulian sosial. Oleh karena itu sebagian hasil penjualan produk Tanocraft digunakan untuk membantu meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemandirian keluarga mantan buruh migran serta pendidikan anak – anak mereka. 


Berbagai produk kerajinan Ledokombo bisa didapatkan di Artshop Tanocraft di Komunitas Belajar - Bermain Tanoker di Desa Ledokombo, berjarak 25 km dari kota Jember, Jawa Timur. Atau dapat juga memesan secara online. Dari jari yang terampil kami bergerak, menjalin persahabatan untuk belajar, berkarya dan bergembira bersama sehingga kami berdaya.

Mator sakalangkong / Terima kasih / Thank you